Middletown Democrats Calling

A site dealing with Middletown Township, the Democratic Party and most importantly the issues and residents of the community.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The West Front Street Bridge

I think there are a few things to say about the West Front Street Bridge. There's many things I could say that might "first" be considered, but here's one or two at least. The county engineer is saying that the project is between five and 10 years away now...well that's interesting. That statement catches the eye because, if this county wants to inform people, why in the world are they telling people about an impovement to their slice of the township so early that most of those people may not even be living there by the time that the actual improvement is made? It doesn't make sense. Does this mean that the people who are living on West Front Street five or 10 years from now are going to be left in the dark without any say at all?

Here's something else: In 1992, the county of Monmouth spent $2.85 million to refurbish the West Front Street Bridge. Now, the county engineer is saying that, by 2001, the bridge only rated a "7" out of "100" for safety. Well, does that mean that whomever the county got to do the bridge is really bad at what they do for a living, or does it mean that the county's plan was to spenf that kind of money on a bridge that wasn't fit for people to walk across let alone cars to pass over? I think it's a fair question.

There's a lot of fair questions with this project, before we get to the considerable issue of eminent domain being evoked to take one-quarter of the Walshes' property.


  • At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    typical democrat nonsense, when the bridge was "rehabbed" it was known then and the fact was made public that the work that was done was only a temporary, stopgap repair and that a complete overhaul of the bridge would need to be done. If you are going to talk about something don't leave out the parts that don't suit your needs.


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