Middletown Democrats Calling

A site dealing with Middletown Township, the Democratic Party and most importantly the issues and residents of the community.

Monday, July 31, 2006


United States Senator Robert Menendez and our county's Democratic Chairman Vic Scudiery are going to be honored by Middletown and Hazlet Democrats on Sept. 9th over at the Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands from 7:00 o'clock PM tp 9 o'clock PM.

The event is a fundraiser for the Middletown and Hazlet clubs. Middletown Demcorat Patrick Short and Hazlet Demcorats Joe Belasco and Kevin Lavin are going to receive donations to their campaigns from this event.

Basically, Hazlet Democratic Chairman Andy Bace and I are not only holding the event for the candidates locally but because we know that Robert Menendez is trhe right guy in the U.S. Senate not only for North Jersey but for all of Jersey. We are both very honored that Sen. Menendez could make an event here in Monmouth right in the heart of his campaign season.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Carton makes for a rocky ship

The Middletown Republicans have taken patronage to a new high, even for Republicans in this state.

It is one thing to be compensated for one's time, through a salary, but quite another thing for anyone who is elected or appointed to make a living off of what they are doing a few hours per week.

Let me tell you how it is when it comes to these Republican big shots in Middletown. First, they get on these boards and commissions, and this goes for the committee too. Well, they get in the state pension system and then, with a little political angling they get multiple posts because they are in favor with the township's Republican municipal chairman, Peter Carton, who is also works for the law firm that has the bonding work for Middletown, who is also a Sewer Commissioner, who also picks the candidates for the Republican Machine in Middletown.

So, when someone cannot make it in the private sector then that is okay provided they can be of sufficient use to Peter Carton. Of course, for whoever it is to be of 'use' to Peter they really aren't doing everything they think is right in office, in my opinion. Because anytime the interest of one person, Carton in this case, is more important than the needs of a town then it's a rocky ship that someone is on. Unfortunately, every resident in Middletown is on that ship thanks to Republican leadership.

Monday, July 24, 2006

GOP wants "political welfare" in Middletown

The benefits situation in Middletown is out of hand when it comes to these elected and appointed officials today. Middletown Demcorat for Township Committee Patrick Short is making a good case when he says that part-time officials should not be earning full-time pension and health benefits. The average working man or woman in a township department faces cutbacks and part-time from the township just so Middletown does not have to pay them pension or benefits. Keep in mind these people who work for our township departments are the backbone of our township. Whether it is the Public Works Department or any other, it is them and not the pampered politicians in our Town Hall that keep Middletown going.

But it is the politicians who insist on deluxe dental coverage, health coverage and pension benefits. I keep on hearing about how qualified these men and women on the Committee are right now. They'll be the first ones to tell you how successful they are in life and such. But if I take them at their own word then I guess I have to ask if they are so successful then why do they need my money, and the money of every other tax payer, for their health coverage, for their dental and for them to get a free ride on when it comes retirement time.

There is very good precedent in this country and particularly in New Jersey whereby good elected officials on the municipal level did not need to milk the public when they were unable or unwilling to secure health coverage or retirement benefits elsewhere. The Township Committee is trying to run Middletown like a country club. The town pays for a cultural arts center, it gives out VIP passes for its top Republicans. Well, if that is the case, then they are forgetting the part of a country club that might even help Middletown's taxpayers and that is the part where everyone at the "club" has a job outside "the club."

This Middletown Committee and this Republican administration has been deserving to be voted out of office for years. They have bonded this township into $80 million in debt and it is not going to get any better in the near future beacause this governing body is beholden to their Republican chairman, Peter Carton, who is also the head of the public bonding division of his law firm (and that law firm represents Middletown).