Middletown Democrats Calling

A site dealing with Middletown Township, the Democratic Party and most importantly the issues and residents of the community.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006



For Immediate Publication

December 20, 2006

POC: Joe Caliendo, Chairman
Middletown Democratic Party
8 Daniel Drive, Middletown, New Jersey 07748
Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com
Web site: http://www.democratscalling.blogspot.com
Tel: (732) 299-6470

Dear Editor:

The Middletown mayor, Tom Hall, and the deputy mayor, Gerard Scharfenberger, are making statements that the Middletown Democratic Party is somehow supporting the developer for the Town Square project in town.

I deny those statements and believe the only reason these things are being said publicly is because the mayor and deputy mayor are campaigning this year early. No Democratic candidate in Middletown, including former candidate Mr. Irvin Beaver who only recently as an individual expressed support for the project, has ever come out in favor of the Town Square. This year’s winning candidate from Middletown in the committee race was even one of the founders of the organization against the Town Square.

Any assertion that the Democratic Party in Middletown is “pro Town Square” is a lie. Individual Democrats and Republicans have expressed support for Town Square, but that is something called “free speech” in this country and have nothing to do with parties.

It is this Middletown Committee, encouraging any number of new developments in town, that are clogging this town’s roads, filling up the schools even more with larger class sizes and eating away at the quality of life in town. It was Republicans, in the mid 1990s, which created Town Square. No Democrat ever voted in favor of Town Square: That was something the Republicans did.

This Town Square project is going to get solved in court one way or the other, and no Democrat is going to have anything to say about that either. But Town Square was the last issue the Republicans in town successfully buffaloed the voters with so I guess that is why the Democratic Party is getting this latest round of abuse.

Joe Caliendo
Democratic Chairman


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