Middletown Democrats Calling

A site dealing with Middletown Township, the Democratic Party and most importantly the issues and residents of the community.

Monday, October 23, 2006



For Immediate Publication

October 23, 2006

POC" Joe Caliendo, Chairman, Middletown Democrats
Cell: 732-299-6470/Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com/ Web site: www.democratscalling.blogspot.com


MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): According to Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo, Middletown Republican candidate for Township Committee Tim Sodon has accepted $1,000 from the law firm of Dowd & Reilly for his campaign.

The campaign contribution was made by Dowd & Reilly, Red Bank, during May this year. Perhaps the most prominent problem with this, Caliendo said, is that Bernard Reilly is the long-serving township attorney for the committee where Sodon wants to gain a seat.

Last week, Caliendo reported that Sodon had also accepted $2,600 for his campaign during May from the township's engineering company, T&M. Caliendo said, "I keep hearing about 'Fresh Faces,' but all it is looking like to me is more of the same by way of political patronage and pay-to-play for the Middletown Republican Party."

As well as accepting money from township vendors, Sodon is also the majority owner of a company, Sodon Electric, Middletown, which received $92,000 from the township during a 9-month period. Sodon's company does municipal work for the township Parks Department and the Road Department. In addition, Sodon's company has performed work on the "ill-fated, over-budget and absolute money pit known as the Banfield Cultural Arts Center," according to Caliendo.

Adding to all of this is the fact that Sodon also sits on the Recreation Advisory Board in town, as its chair. Caliendo said this board influences business decisions made by the Recreation Department, which influences the work Sodon's firm also receives from the township.

"There used to be a time in the township's history when members of the governing body used to choose whether they were going to be a vendor, contractor or elected official, but I guess that sensibility is gone these days with the Republican Party," Caliendo said. "Mr. Sodon measures the ethics of being a contractor for the township while sitting on the governing body that approves his bills by whether or not he can be in violation of the law by doing so. Is that what ethics means these days? What is right and moral is whatever one cannot get arrested or indicted for?"

According to Caliendo, the only real ethical choice this year for Middletown voters is Democrat Patrick Short. "Patrick is the only candidate in the race who is not a vendor, a contractor or ever plans to be one," Caliendo concluded. "That gives him a lot more credibility in this race than Sodon has."



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