Middletown Democrats Calling

A site dealing with Middletown Township, the Democratic Party and most importantly the issues and residents of the community.

Monday, November 27, 2006



For Immediate Publication

POC: Joe Caliendo, Chairman
Middletown Democratic Party
Tel: (732) 299-6470/Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com/ Web
site: http://www.democratscallings.blogpsot.com


MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): According to Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo, the recent November 7 election did a great deal to send a message to the Monmouth County Republican Party's top leadership.

"But it's not enough," Caliendo said. "There is a lot of talk about the county republicans reforming this and that…being less corrupt and not being as bad or as flagrant about their corruption as before. But Middletown Chairman Peter Carton's Newark law firm is still running the majority of the bonding in this county, his relative Malcolm Carton is still getting rich as the county counsel, meanwhile most of Carton's lawyer relatives are working for the governments in Monmouth one way or the other. All that has changed over the last 25 years are the front men that these people are using to make the quotes to the newspapers; talking about reform."

Caliendo said there are republicans trying to make a difference in that party, but not enough to change the grip of powerful financial interests in Monmouth County by GOP supporters and vendors. "The only solution for bringing integrity to Monmouth County and Middletown Township especially, is through supporting the Democratic Party and its candidates," Caliendo said.

Caliendo said corrupt Republicans are still running the county because nothing has been reformed by the people in charge in that party and nothing has been changed. "And it won't be changed until the Republicans get rid of the most corrupt among them. But they haven't because Middletown the rest of the county is still 'Club Monmouth.'" Significant steps have been taken to send corrupt Republicans a message, "but there is certainly a lot more to come on that subject," Caliendo said.

For more information, contact Caliendo directly at (732) 299-6470, or go to his Web site at: http://www.democratscalling.blogspot.com.


Saturday, November 25, 2006



November 25, 2006

For Immediate Publication

POC: Joe Caliendo, Chairman
Middletown Democrats, 8 Daniel Drive, Middletown, NJ 07748
Tel: 732-299-6470/Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com/ Web site: http://www.democratscalling.blogspot.com


MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): According to Middletown Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo, many Republicans charged and in some cases convicted as part of Operation Bid Rig were identified by their name and former office held. However, when it comes to identifying their party, newspapers and other media are reluctant to put the word "Republican" before defendants.

Meanwhile, when it comes to members of the Democratic Party charged, "before either their name or their title, the media isn't shy about putting 'Demcorat,' " Caliendo said. "This is another way the media manipulates people and it is wrong, in my opinion."

Caliendo said the Republican Party has been in charge of Monmouth County for the past 25 years. "There are Democrats that have been identified as having done corrupt things in this county and they should face the full weight of law without any doubt, but when it comes right down to it the Monmouth County Republican Party has been in the driver's seat here since Reagan was in office. Despite any 'reform' these Republicans are doing the same gang of shady characters are still in charge in Monmouth since Reagan too."

Caliendo said that even if the news media hasn't made it clear that the top leadership of the Monmouth Republican Party has been the single largest proponent of corruption in the county, the voters were still aware of it, with the results of the most recent election in mind. "People are tired of a small group of Republicans, who are really only out to pad their pensions and get whatever they can from the taxpayers, legally and illegally, getting away with whatever they want to in this county and the voters are finally doing something about it," Caliendo said.

The veteran Democratic municipal chairman said that whether or not the media wants to note what party these corrupt office holders are from the result will be the same. "Voters in Monmouth County know what party was in charge of making its top leaders and professionals rich by any means necessary to make a dollar off the backs of the taxpayers," Caliendo concluded. "It would be nice if the media was fair, though, even every now and again."

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Letter From Concerned Citizen

Hi All,

As you all well know I monitor the activities at the Port Monmouth beach front, almost on a daily basis. Since our beach front changes almost on a yearly basis, with development popping up anywhere, I took note and this is what I found.

The well to do folks, who bought the new Condo's on the beach, I think the builders name is Kevorkian, Kovanian, or something like that. (You know, the Condo's that burn so well on a windy nite). The lucky tenants there have the honor of their property being named "The Dunes at Shoal Harbor" Isn't that wonderful!

Now across the street and a little down the road, are more new Condo's. Now these Condo's are for the not so well to do, but still have some bucks people. These aren't on the beach front (you know the Condos that have the first floor 10 feet above Sea Level, so they won't drown in their sleep in the event of a catastrophic storm. The A/C units are about 5 feet above Sea Level, when the flood water hits these they will act as alarms that danger is eminent.) Now these lucky people have the privilege of having their homes named "Park Ferry at Shoal Harbor" The title "Dunes" is obvious, but Park Ferry???? Then it dawned on me, that's where NY Waterways will Park their Ferries in the event of a great flood.

OK, enough of the History, now the good news. Now on the Blue Collar, Middle to Low income group Beach, commonly known as Spy House Beach at Bayshore Water Front Park, new Condo's have appeared. Better yet, a gift to us working people, with no additional taxes, to which we are already over burdened, by the Politicians who run this area, and state.

As you all know, I have pretty much referred to this beach as the "Dump at Port Monmouth Beach". Well now I can announce a new name for this parcel of land located on an Historical Site, which is on Green Acres Land, sitting directly below, and in front of, our American Flag.

I present you with: "RIB & D at Shoal Harbor"

RIB & D at Shoal Harbor? You ask. Yep RIB & D. Rat Infested Beachfront and Dump at Shoal Harbor.
These little marvels of nature have moved right in. Rat Condo's they are! How lucky can we get? Just think about it, Garbage and Rats just for us poor folks, sure we make good money, but we live in Middletown. Think about how exciting it will be when some child or pet gets bitten by a RAT, We can worry about infection, not to mention Rabies epidemics, Not only is our bay being polluted and our beach spoiled, we can look forward to small children going home after an outing with their school at this beach and telling Mommy and Daddy, Middletown has the coolest beach. Tires, Roofing material, appliances, sewer pipes, rusted steel, garbage bags with surprises in side and most of all Rats, you adults really know how to set a good example for us kids. "Now I know how an Historical site, Park, and Green Acres site is supposed to look.

Please, send all your friends this email, and they can consider it as an invitation to bring their family to this wonderful parcel, where they can romp and play, chase rats and climb what the EPA has deemed a "Dangerous Solid Waste Dump Site". Tell your friends not to worry, it's been there over 3 years and no child has died yet.

So, next summer, tell your travel agent you want to go visit the Historic Spy House and RIB & D at Shoal Harbor, don't worry, it will still be there. Our government will see to that, I'm sure.


PS Isn't it Ironic that people on the local and county level of government got busted, and this entire mess was created by people of the local and county level. Hmmmmm.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mason congratulates Short, MT Dems

Dear Chairman Caliendo,

I would like to congratulate you, the Middletown Democrats and especially the man of the hour, Middletown Committeeman-Elect Patrick Short on an incredible win. For so many years, Middletown has been known as a Republican stronghold, but I guess those days are over.

I like the message you and your party and your candidate are putting out about inclusion and bringing people together for the common good. There is not enough unity on the municipal level when it comes to getting things done. Partisanship is really pretty ridiculous when it comes to getting the simple things done.

I know that Patrick is trying to reach out to his fellow Committee people in Middletown and I wish him the best of luck. The victory he accomplished, I am sure, could not have been possible without the support of so many Democrats and Republicans alike. That says a lot about your club and the caliber of your people.

All the best,

Glenn Mason

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks to Middletown for victory

The Middletown Democratic Party welcomed a great victory on November 7 in the Middletown Committee race. Patrick Short won a three-year seat on the governing body. But it is a hollow victory if this is just a Democratic win.

For Democrats to have won in this township, then every resident must have won or it has not meant anything. But I believe every resident has won with the election of Patrick Short and this town will have someone of great character on the job. Patrick Short is a good man who is seeking to reform government here in town. He wants to lower taxes and stop part-time politicians from raiding the hard-earned tax money that residents pay. I believe in him and I think it is clear that the majority of Middletown residents believe in him.

I know that Patrick will be reaching out to groups all around the township. During elections, people are Democrats or Republicans. But now is the time for Democrats and Republicans to come together and stop the divisive nature of government in Middletown once and for all -- and become neighbors again.

It is time to change things for the better and I believe in Patrick and I hope that the rest of the Middletown Committee can leave the acrimony at the door to work for the betterment of our community.

Of course, winning did feel pretty good and that has everything to do with Patrick, who campaigned so hard and well, the Democratic Executive Committee, who has worked tirelessly for years, and every Democrat in this township who supported this ticket and year after year supports this party and bipartisan government in this community.

Also 'thank you' to all of Middletown. It is a special trust the Democratic Party has been given, specifically Patrick Short. This trust is appreciated and it is something I am sure this candidate and this party will live up to.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


On the front page of this Monmouth County Post that the Monmouth County Republican Party has tieS with, on October 22, the newspaper takes a pretty hard whack at the Asbury Park Press and its reporter, Bob Cullinan.

The publisher for this new "county newspaper" is the former executive director of the Monmouth County Republican Partty, Dan Gallic.

In its article, the Monmouth County Post makes it clear that the Republican Party in Monmouth is trying to shut reporters up, when the unnamed Post reporter who wrote the front-page story on the Press quoted an "unnamed county official" as saying, "We have asked the Asbury Park Press to replace Bob Cullinane on more than one occasion, offering interviews to anyone else, but the Asbury Park Press has refused."

Well, I took exception with the Press some time back because the reporter in Middletown would not call me about a story involving the Democratic Party, which I am the chairman of here. I have never refused to talk to a reporter and I think any elected office holder who is trying to pick and choose what reporters they are going to talk to is trying to slant the news. I do expect a call from a reporter if they are doing news about my group. But these freeholders are absolutely spoiled -- if they don't like tough questions from good reporters then they run away and ask for a second stringer.

I give a lot of credit to the Press for standing up to this kind of intimidation by the Board of Freeholders.

As for the Monmouth County Post, I think it is ironic that Monmouth Republican Chairman Adam Puharic wants to limit the amount of dollars that come into county races given there is a mysterious, brand new Republican newspaper in Monmouth that just happens to push his party and its candidates.

All the taxpayers have taken from the Monmouth Republicans over the last few years and they still cannot manage to tell the truth about anything.

Joe Caliendo
Middletown Democrats




November 1, 2006
POC: Joe Caliendo, Chairman, Middletown Democrats
Email: joe_caliendo@yahoo.com, Tel: 732-299-6470,
Site: www.democratscalling.blogspot.com

Complaint Against Carton Heads To Essex County

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP (MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ): An ethics complaint from the Middletown Democratic Party’s chairman, Joe Caliendo, was forwarded to the Essex County Bar Association after being reviewed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey’s District Ethics Committee for Monmouth County, District IX.

Caliendo was notified of this in a copy of an October 18 memorandum from Kathleen A. Sheedy, Esq., the secretary for the District IX Ethics Committee, to Seth Zuckerman, Esq., of the Essex County Bar Association.

In his September 15 complaint, Caliendo said, “Peter J. Carton, an attorney employed by Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione, Newark, has admitted in print within the large daily newspaper that, under his authority, he did issue a press release (in his capacity as the chairman of the Middletown Republican Party), which wrongly identified an advisor to the Middletown Democratic Party, Mr. Charles ‘Chuck’
Fallon as an individual who had been convicted criminally of attempting to bribe or bribing an elected official in ‘North Jersey.’ ”

Caliendo said, “That never happened, and this is an absolute lie that Carton should have known was untrue because he has known Mr. Fallon for years. What Carton did was politics at its worst.”

Now that the complaint is heading to the Essex County Bar Association, if sanctioned by that board, Mr. Carton faces severe punishment. “And that is OK because Mr. Carton should be responsible for his behavior and what he says, just like anyone else,” Caliendo said.

Caliendo said that he is pressing forward on the complaint because it is time for “dirty politics” to stop being the focus of elections and for campaigns to start being issue oriented and about what elected officials will and can do for taxpayers.

Caliendo said Carton should step down as chairman of the Republican Party in Middletown, as a Sewer Authority commissioner also and his firm should be terminated as the bond counsel for Middletown Township.

“It’s time to stop dealing the cards off the bottom,” Caliendo concluded.
